
Party Bus Baltimore is unable to list exact prices on our website at the present time, because they change so often due to fuel prices and other factors. However, we can easily provide you with a quick price quote either over the phone or via email. By phone we'll ask you a few questions and give you a price quote, and you'll be under no obligation to buy our services. By email you'll need to let us know what date you'd like our services, what cities you want to visit, and how many passengers you expect. And still, you'll be under no obligation.

We at Party Bus Baltimore know that it is an inconvenience to not have our prices listed here, so in an effort to still provide you some real value on this page, we'd like to tell you a few of our best tips to save money when booking our services! Here are a few of our top tips!

TIP #1:

Book your party bus trip on a weekday instead of a weekend! Our demand is lower at that time and you'll be able to take advantage of that to net yourself a lower price. You'll also be avoiding traffic and the weekend crush at all the most popular restaurants and party spots!

TIP #2:

Ask about our special wedding packages and other events packages! We often offer special packages for certain events and you'll not only save money by taking advantage of those, but you'll also gain a lot of exciting perks including decorations!

TIP #3:

Book as early as possible! You might not think this will save you money, but when you avoid having to book with another more expensive party bus company because all of our buses were already booked, you'll be glad that you did! That's money in the bank as far as our customers are concerned!

More questions about pricing, or ready to receive your quote? Give us a call at the number at the top of this page, or just send us a quick email!

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